Avoid incremental tobacco purchase ban by setting the age limit to 21

The minimum age requirement to buy tobacco should therefore be raised to 21 instead of increasing it by one year every year. The amendment to the Tobacco and Vapes bill has to be drafted for raising the age limit to 21 and dropping the part of the bill that increases the age limit as an increasing variable.

Rishi Sunak does not have sufficient knowledge on smoking to have an informed opinion. He knows much more about politics and the economy, but smoking is a social and not a political issue. Neither is Rishi Sunak working ‘for free’, he presumably expects to be paid well by them for doing what a few others want to do. He presumably expects to be rewarded heavily for implementing the wishes of the anti-smoking campaign and doing what they want done. Otherwise he wouldn’t be persisting through the generational smoking ban nor would he accept to do so without compensation. He is a very rich person who will become even richer from promoting this restriction by being rewarded for it from those who support it.

Raising the minimum age to buy tobacco to 21 decreases smoking rates and limits them to only what is necessary for those who want to smoke to do so. There is a group of people whose existence has been proven and ascertained who cannot quit smoking once they depend on it and cannot replace it with smoke-free alternatives. Another group of smokers exists who are either able to completely quit, even if they were smoking two and not one packets a day, or are able to quit smoking by making use of vaping alternatives. Although this group consists of so many former smokers, it is still not everyone who smokes, and consequently is not everyone from those who will be smoking in the future, as has been proven, so why obstruct those individuals from being eligible to buy tobacco with an incremental tobacco purchase ban?

Raising the minimum age to 21 also prevents the kind of social corruption that leads to crime, since this often depends on someone’s freedom and ability to smoke, but with the smoking age raised to 21 this freedom will not be abused and instead purchasing tobacco will be allowed after you have found your purpose in life, like going to university or thinking about your work. Donald Trump raised the minimum age to buy tobacco to 21 in most American states, making a perfect alternative to the incremental smoking bans that have been proposed in numbered U.S. states and jurisdictions.

Comment under: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1888684/Smoking-Rishi-Sunak-Conservative-Party-Mark-Eastwood

Published by Κώστας Κητής

Γεννήθηκα στο Μπέρμιγχαμ της Αγγλίας και σπούδασα Πληροφορική και Μαθηματικά στο Πανεπιστήμιο Brunel του Λονδίνου. Παρακολούθησα μαθήματα πληροφορικής και Τ.Π.Ε. στα κολέγια του Λονδίνου Brookfield College, East Berkshire College, Acton and Hammersmith College και West London Community College. Εργάστηκα επί εξαετίας ως δημοσιογράφος για το Συνδικάτο Περιπτερούχων-Καπνοπωλών Ελλάδος και Περιπτερούχων-Καπνοπωλών και Μικρών Λιανεμπόρων Νομού Αττικής, δημοσιεύοντας στο κλαδικό περιοδικό «Retail and Tobacco News», και επί παρόντος εργάζομαι ως διερμηνέας Αγγλικής και Ελληνικής γλώσσας με βάση στο Λονδίνο. Κατά το χρονικό διάστημα 2016-2022 υπήρξα ανταποκριτής της αντικαπνιστικής εκστρατείας από το Λονδίνο για το Συνδικάτο Περιπτερούχων Καπνοπωλών μεταδίδοντας όλες τις πολιτικές ειδήσεις που επηρεάζουν το εμπόριο καπνού και προέρχονται από το αντικαπνιστικό καθεστώς του Λονδίνου. Μου αρέσουν τα καυτερά γεύματα, η φωτογραφία, οι ηλεκτρονικοί υπολογιστές, οι αγορές και τα ψώνια και οι βραδινές έξοδοι. Ως πρώιμος γνώστης προγραμματισμού ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών από παιδική ηλικία αποφοίτησα από κολέγιο που διδάσκει μαθήματα Αγγλικού λυκείου και ασχολούμαι ιδιαίτερα με τα αιτήματα των ατόμων που καπνίζουν και τους ηλεκτρονικούς υπολογιστές και τις ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές.

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